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$2.50 = 1 meal & water

$500 = 1 service night (meals and overhead)

Our organization always appreciates the generosity and involvement of people like you, with every contribution going towards making Share A Meal an even better Non-Profit Organization than it already is. We want to provide you with the correct and appropriate information pertaining to your mode of support, so don’t hesitate to contact us with your questions. All PayPal donations are tax-deductible.

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or donate via Venmo: @ShareAMeal


Volunteers can bring or drop-off any UNUSED (New): toiletries, socks, blankets, sunscreen, etc. to service. These items will be directly distributed to the people we serve! For large quantity donations, please call ahead to determine if and when items can be accepted.


Some of the most needed items:

  • Personal Care Hygiene Products 

  • Socks

  • Re-usable Water Bottles

  • Bottled Water

  • Toothpaste & Brush

  • Wet wipes, Kleenex, Wash Cloth


Facebook has a feature that allows you to list Share A Meal as a nonprofit for your friends to donate to in celebration of your birthday.


So far, we've had people start birthday fundraisers donating over 3,900 dollars! Join them in spreading the word about Share A Meal.


Corporate donations: For large donations, please contact us. View past donations here.


Corporate sponsorships: Bring your employees to a night of service any day of the week. Please contact us, to sponsor a night. View past corporate sponsorship nights here.

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A Lifestyle of Service

©2018 by Share A Meal


Share A Meal is a program of Khalsa Peace Corps, a 501(c)(3) nonprofit. The role of Khalsa Peace Corps is to be a platform that transforms ones’ higher conscience into daily actions of service and sharing.

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